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Enrico Franzolini

Born in Udine in 1952, he studied in Florence and graduated in architecture at the University of Venice. In 1972 he was invited to the 36th Biennale Exhibition of decorative arts in Venice, exhibiting two objects produced by the Livio Seguso glass-manufactory in Murano. In 1978 his first personal exhibition at Plurima Gallery in Udine marked the beginning of his interest in minimal architecture. At the same time he became interested in architecture and interior and product design. In the 80’s and 90’s some of his projects in architecture and industrial design were published by specialized magazines such as Domus, Modo, Abitare, Interni. In 1993 his project for a private house received honorable mentions and won the Piranesi Prize.He has worked with several important furniture companies. In 1991 he won the first prize in the Top Ten competition at Promosedia Intenational Fair in Udine. In 1993 his Light Box Collection was exhibited first in Udine at Plurima Gallery and then was introduced by Cappellini at Milan’ Salone del Mobile in 1994. He also worked on conceptual planning for several exhibitions that took place in the S. Francesco Church Museum in Udine: the “Mosaico “exhibition in 1997, “Le arti a Udine in ‘900” and “L’antico a nuovo” in 2001.