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Mauro Lipparini

Mauro Lipparini’s singular influence has been recognized and celebrated around the globe. In 2011 he won the Good Design Global Award, the world’s most prestigious and honorable price in design. He also won the Young & Design Milano Price (1987), and the International Du Pont Award Köln (Germany, 1988 e 1989).Lipparini’s extensive work in the industrial design field includes Homes and Offices furnishings, textile industry and other products created for renowned European and Japanese firms. In the realms of architecture and interior design, Lipparini has concentrated primarily on private and public housing, retail and wholesale showrooms and exposition installations. Lipparini also provides cutting-edge corporate identity construction services, including graphic design, editorial, full-scale production and product applications. Rooted in spare forms and clear, powerful lines, defining Italian Minimalism, Lipparini’s work is enriched with a spirit of joy, a buoyant sense of pleasure, and possibility. Freely using bold colors, organic textures and imaginative visual concepts, Lipparini brings immediacy and strength, of the well-respected aesthetic, into an exhilarating new area.