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Technical sheet

  • Anfora 879/T 581.31 Kb

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Anfora - resinated quartz base
Cod. 879\T

Design  Alexander Lorenz

With its sculptural appearance, the Anfora table identifies its distinctive feature in the iconic base, whose shape, inspired by the ancient Greek vase, determines its name.

Proposed with a rich aesthetic, it is characterized by soft and sinuous profiles that recall the movement of a dancing figure.

Round table in two sizes, Anfora is re-proposed with new finishes for both the base and the top.

The base is re-proposed in resinated quartz in the Anthracite and Light Gray finishes, while the top is proposed in bronzed tempered glass, white matt/glossy cararra marble, fior di pesco carnico marble and grigio carnico marble.


Anfora collection