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Technical sheet

  • Keel Light 922/AMB-OUT - 922/SMB-OUT 299.50 Kb

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Keel Light
Cod. 922/AMB-OUT 922/SMB-OUT

Design M+V

The Keel Light stools, available in two different heights, extension of the homonymous collection, are the result of the research between geometric rigor and organic sinuosity.

Available in both solutions, for indoor and outdoor, Keel Light come with a solid Iroko wood backrest, a structure in embossed metal rod painted with epoxy powders in anthracite, aval and pearl white finishes, and a padded seat with a rigid underlying shell, acrylic painted for outdoors, in the same color and fine embossing of the structure.

The silhouette of the seat, which maintains its origins and inspiration from the nautical world, is revealed with even greater aesthetic and technical evidence.


Keel light collection