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MS Amera

Phoenix Reisen

Year: 2023
Architect: Cubik3 Innenarchitekten GmbH

MS Amera is part of the Phoenix Reisen fleet, a German company specializing in organizing luxury travel and experiences for over 30 years. Recently renovated in its interior spaces, the ship features a contemporary and refined style, offering its passengers an authentic experience among the waves of the sea and breathtaking views. In the prestigious space of the Ozean Restaurant, one of the onboard restaurants, seats from the Velis collection by Potocco have been included to accompany guests during the most convivial moments. The same collection, designed by Mario Ferrarini and one of the brand’s best sellers, is also present in the spacious Royal Suite in the armchair version for the relaxation area and the chair variant for the dining table. Velis proves to be an ideal family for contract environment design for architects and interior designers thanks to its contemporary aesthetics. The artisanal woodwork, an essential part of the brand’s history, combines with the design of the upholstered pieces, which are comfortable and ergonomic.