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Falisia Resort & Spa

Portopiccolo, Italy

Year: 2022

Falisia Resort & Spa in Portopiccolo, Italy, is nestled on the Gulf of Trieste and immersed in the Duino nature reserve. Innovative materials and environmentally friendly solutions allow this facility to blend nicely into the surrounding landscape. Falisia Resort & Spa is part of the Marriott group and is open all year round. It’s a haven of peace and wellbeing with refined, contemporary interiors. The outdoor spaces and yacht club feature chairs from the Vela collection designed by Hannes Wettstein for Potocco. These white, hand-woven chairs, lounge chairs, and sofas emphasize the maritime atmosphere. White is also the color of the furniture of the gourmet restaurant, creating visual continuity with the outdoor spaces. Potocco’s Miura chairs by Enrico Franzolini, synonymous with top-tier quality, Spring poufs by Bernhardt&Vella, and custom tables and benches take center stage in this beautiful setting resulting from the close collaboration between Potocco and the architects.