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Borgo Santandrea

Amalfi, Italy

Year: 2022
Architect: Rino Gambardella

Designed by architect Rino Gambardella, Borgo Santandrea is a true gem overlooking the sea on the Amalfi Coast. Located between Positano and Amalfi, this hotel offers a stunning view of Conca dei Marini, a picturesque fishing village frozen in time. Borgo Santandrea was built in the 1960s, and it reflects the style of that time. Each room reveals a series of details that prove its uniqueness. An authentic luxury retreat decorated with art objects and prestigious Italian furniture, including Potocco’s Queen chairs and Arial bookcase. The latter, designed by Gabriele and Oscar Buratti, stands out for its delicate, geometric design and timeless elegance, offering the perfect place to display artwork and handicrafts.

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