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News 2023 / 04 / 12

Stories of Living

The new indoor catalogue at the Salone del Mobile

Potocco announces the release of its new  indoor catalogue, previewed at the Salone del Mobile. Milan, from 18th to 23rd April. 

It is the tale of a new way of conceiving the spaces of everyday life, through pieces of furniture capable of encapsulating past, present and future. 

An essential aesthetic that leaves a delicate imprint in all domestic environments, inviting you to savor and enjoy every moment.

Two volumes that enclose a delicate and enveloping vortex of emotions and sensations to inspire you in the design of the environments of your everyday life and of contract spaces with an elegant soul.

The new catalog represents a valuable working tool that remains true to Potocco's aesthetic to best tell its philosophy, page after page.


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