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News 2023 / 06 / 12

Lightness of Living

Episode II. Glimmers of sunshine

Glimmers of sunshine, the second episode of the story contained in the outdoor catalogue Lightness of Living, is an invitation to appreciate the lights, colors and the slow flow of time in life outside, in gardens and terraces and surrounded by armchairs, sofas, coffee tables and chairs with a modern and refined design. Hit by the sinuous sun rays, trees, leaves and flowers give play of lights and shadows that surprise the view and inebriate the senses with their scents.

Elegant and welcoming, the furniture signed Potocco dialogues with nature harmonizing its unpredictable shapes. Furniture complements with linear design and elegant surfaces, accompany the time dedicated to meetings, conviviality, and well-being in nature.
Download the catalogue to explore all the stories and settings of Lightness of Living


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