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News 2023 / 05 / 10

Lightness of Living

The 2023 outdoor catalogue inspired by the warm mediterranean atmosphere

The Mediterranean summer, with its warm tones and the savoury, enveloping breeze, is the inspiration of the outdoor catalogue Lightness of Living.

A collection of images and stories that embrace the flow of time and that portray angles to live daily through the elegant shapes and refined design of garden furniture.

Page after page, Potocco’s philosophy and aesthetics provides a series of inspirations and portrays the design outdoor furniture collections in a suspended dimension. The furnishings, represented as silent spectators of moments of intimate reflection, blend with balanced harmony together with the surrounding environments, dialoguing with the architecture of the terrace, with the green of the garden or with the blue of the sea.

The brand’s philosophy proposes in fact a personal vision of Made in Italy luxury furniture, which invites you to fully enjoy the spaces of living and the flow of the days.



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